Reflection 4
Who would have thought you could find all the angles in this diagram even if you are not given any of the angles to help you out?
The 4 content goals for geometry, p.400:
- Shapes and Properties
- Transformation
- Location
- Visualization
As I was reflecting on this topic through my experiences with preschoolers, I realized that most of the time spent is focused on the first content - Shapes and Properties. Getting to know shapes, exploring with shapes, looking at shapes in the environment.
Are we able to push the children further or further up van Hiele's level of Geometric Thought? To analyze, to deduce? The more curiosity we invoke in the children, the more likely we will be able to engage and interest them in this area. This definitely will not be done in a technical "Me Teacher, I Teach and You Student, You Listen" kind of manner. It has to be a learning journey for both parties where there are new pieces of information that are being explored.
However, I think that to do this, we as educators need to have more understanding of the subject through more research done on this topic.
Sacred Geometry.