Reflection 6
"It is a part of children’s daily mathematical lives and slowly grows and develops over time. In a problem-centered mathematics curriculum, number sense is closely tied to problem solving, as the children described above show. These children have learned, over time, that they are capable of solving problems and that they can play with numbers to make sense of a problem."
Partitioning numbers using tens and ones. "First I added the 20 and 10 and got 30. Then I added the 9 and 4 and got 13. Then I added the 10 from 13 to 30 and added 3 more and got 43.
Counting on or back from a number. "First I counted on from 29 by tens and went 29, 39. Then I counted on 4 more — 40, 41, 42, 43."
Using "nice numbers." Nice numbers are multiples of 10 or other numbers that are easy to work with. "I know that 30 plus 15 is 45, but 29 plus 14 is 2 less than that, so it’s 43."
Translating to a new problem. "I took one away from the 14 and gave it to the 29 to make 30. Then I had 30 plus 13, which is 30 plus 10 plus 3, which is 43.
Taken from: Learn NC - Number Sense Everyday
I think that this post gives a general overview of Number Sense. It allows us to see that Number Sense is not something that is done in a day but it is an accumulation of experiences one has.
Number and Operations Standard
for Grades Pre-K–2
Expectations | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Taken from: NCTM
I believe that the experiences and interactions that the children have everyday is as important as in class discussion. For example, in preparation for their transition into Primary 1, the K2 children have been "buying" their lunch and tea with a specific amount of money given to them at the start of these routine times. Money is not an easy concept to grasp due to the place values each number holds. Starting with small amounts, the children are starting to understand the value behind the numerals in the word fifty cents and 1 dollar.
It is not always so difficult is it. Sometimes, we just have to keep trying to figure out a way, which will help us understand the concept better.